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Integrating whites and blacks in condoning actions of the Department of Civil Rights Misconduct.
March 29, 2014
It was truly a dark day for African Americans in Minneapolis, when the new City Council continued former City Councils' consistent pattern and practice of corruption in the nullification and reversal of civil rights in Minneapolis, as seen in the Council’s 9-3 vote to reappoint Velma Korbel as head of what I now call the City of Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights Misconduct. Where it used to be whites blocking civil rights and opportunities for African Americans, now it is blacks, as they are cheered on by whites happy to be relieved of their white man’s biurden of denying civil rights to inferiors, as black leadershi groups,black and white churches, governments, corporations, and foundations now provide relief of that burden: joining blacks engaged in self-sabotage on top of the white sabotage of blacks in the areas fairness and diversity in education, employment, housing, health, and implementation of civil and human rights.
Posted Wednesday, April 2, 2014, 8:48 a.m.
March 11, 2014
In a series of extremely secretive meetings, the Minnesota Sports Facilities Commission, has authorized one of the prime sub-contractors on the Vikings Stadium to violate legislative intent and violate executive orders by Governor Mark Dayton, by bringing workers in from outside the state of Minnesota. The widely publicized 32% agreed to goal for Minnesota minority hires is now being reduced to 18%, with the actual number of workers physically there: half a percent of the workforce.
What happened to the money to train Minneapolis workers of color? Why are there not trained Minnesota construction workers of color? Why are workers of color, Blacks and Hispanics, being recruited from Florida? What happened to the deal with the 100 African Americans from Kansas City? It gets worse: Thor, a local minority contractor, long a part of the stadium planning discussions, has now been frozen out by local Civil Rights leaders in Minneapolis (including those from the NAACP), in order to position small construction companies in which they have ownership interests, so qualifications and locals be damned and bring on the coflicts of interest. Diversity in Minnesota remains a Black and White farce. Ted Mondale, Velma Korvel, Alex Tittle, all promised it wouldn’t be this way with the Vikings Stadium.
The testing grounds to see if they could get away with this kind of conflict of interest are the construction projects involving these same civil rights leaders with the Mayo Clinic construction in Rochester, MN. In a series of secret meetings in January [which, when whites hold secret sessions they are condemned] civil rights leaders laid out the scenario to purposefully violate affirmative action laws by bringing in what are called “pass through companies,” being paid by presenting bogus numbers representing non-existent workers “passed through” as real. There is no reason to suspect that the Mayo Clinic is aware of this conspiracy, as civil rights leaders in Rochester, Minneapolis, and St. Paul have worked very hard to disguise their real intent. This has led to activating the big prize: the Vikings stadium, in violation of discussions held with African American labor organizations in Minnesota and Kansas City, MO, who would have been able to have provide qualified and eligible African American workers to work on the Vikings Stadium.
The decision to bring in workers from the southern US also violates the legislative mandate that calls for respective workers of color to be given preference based on zip codes and areas (as North Minneapolis).
We call upon Governor Mark Dayton to have the Attorney General of Minnesota convene a special Grand Jury to subpoena and take evidence and, if necessary, to prosecute what has become one of he most outrageous and scandalous rejections of civil rights laws in the State of Minnesota. We will continue to monitor this for the citizens and workers of Minnesota and the nation. This is a dark day for civil rights in Minnesota, especially as it is being perpetrated by African Americans on other African Americans.
For more details, see:
2011: DISPARITY/COMPLIANCE STUDIES: MINNEAPOLIS HAS PRACTICED DISPARITY AND PURPOSEFULLY AND ACTIVELY AVOIDED COMPLIANCE, list of our over 20 columns on violations of diversity in Minneapolis, in our “Solutions” Section, #46.
2009: The Role of Minneapolis BLACK ORGANIZATIONS in the Minneapolis Story: ….. Being Part of the Problem Rather than the Solution, as they Move Toward White-Like Black-Elite Rule, for Spoils Not Principles and Sell Out Inner city Black Community Interests, in our “Solutions” Section, #37.
Posted, Tuesday,March 11, 2014, 11:14 p.m.
Ron hosts “Black Focus” on Channel 17, MTN-TV, Sundays, 5-6 pm. Formerly head of the Minneapolis Civil Rights Commission and the Urban League, he continues his “watchdog” role for Minneapolis. Order his book, hear his voice, read his solution papers, and read his between columns “web log” at www.TheMinneapolisStory.com.
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