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November 19, 2015

Posted originally as a blog entry, November 19, 2015, and then transfered to Solution Paper status June 9, 2016
To be updated with new columns, blog entries, and solution papers, as they apply.
Last update, June 10, 2016 and or referenced separately when the post is added.

It's no longer 1776, but... "When in the course of Human Events, it becomes necessary for one people..."

The top of our Blog side is entitled Closing the Gaps. The first blog entry was May 14, 2003. The heading of the Blog is Tracking the Gaps, Connecting the Dot, Closing the Gaps, in 9 key areas that matter: The nine key areas answers the question, "what matters?"

1. Education,/training (instead of sacrificing the lives of young people to disqualifying ignorance),
2. Jobs (requiring education and training)
3. Housing (a place for families with children after getting educated/trained and a job)
4. Public Safety, which includes the war on young Black men),

5. Safe Environment, which includes the cleans – water, air, soi, and developing the technology to make all fuels clean and non-pollutingl
6. Health care (include all in the programs available instead of denying on account of age or color), and
7. Governing, including agents of governance: electeds who pass legislation to facilitate these “7 that matter” along with police that protect and serve.
8. "ubuntu" Moral/Ethical Stances (access & opportunity, fairness & justice, liberty & freedom, rights & responsibility), in the on-going contest over ideas.
9. K
ey suggestions for Black organizations:
(Solution Paper #37 here
Solution Paper #29: Ten Suggestions fo the NAACP, here
Solution Paper #32: here
And in the archives past columns and blog entries,

Our Solution Papers or for community social and economic development, extending the Minneapolis Story by promoting practical plans and strategies to enhance neighborhoods in their efforts regarding developing and achieving GOALS in the areas of education, jobs, housing, and public safety, while developing strong foundations for appropriate level community based planning and economic development. See especially Solution Papers numbered 18 – 19, 22 – 23, 29 – 50.

LIST of FOUR KEYS to successful community action, Nov. 19, 2015:

KEY #1
: Develop "To Do" lists (the "what") through collaboration (to develop the "how").
KEY #2: Collaboration with others: all at the table to negotiate the "what" (goals/to do's) and the "how" (of achieving goals), taking from the using the 5 categories of resources below
KEY #3: Adapt action for success in goal achieving from the methods in the
six Resource Categories below.
KEY #4: Utilize the 5 Resource Categories, 4 in this web site, 1 list of outside this web site, for use in fulfilling the "what" and the "how" regarding resolving the failure of leaders and leadership:

SIX RESOURCE CATEGORIES on this site, Numbers 1 - 4 on this site, #s 5-10 partially excerpted or referred to on the site:

1.  Nellie Stone Johnson's MANTRA: no education, no jobs, no housing, from #5.5 below, posted 2009 and 2010, as Solution papers #40 (education), #39 (jobs), and #41 (housing).

2.  SOLUTION PAPERS, (models, approaches), 47 SO FAR, 2003-Present.
START WITH, in order: #s 29, 37, 42, 45A, 45B
and then #s 8, 12-14, 18-20, 22-23, 32, 35-36

3.  COLUMNS, 2003 - Present
, ARCHIVED HERE, for your review from which to select and use. To see all column titles for a given year, go HERE and click on the individual year’s "ALL".  To see full text columns lisdted under “ALL,” go to section where columns are archived by each year's quarters.
Example: January - April 2016, go HERE and then to 16 Q1


5. Ron Edwards, The Minneapolis Story, through my Eyes, Ron Edwards, 2002 (especially Interlude 3 and Chapters 7, 12-14, 17). See especially Chapter 17: The Positive Future Possibilities for Minneapolis. Also see 2002 press releases here.

6. Ron Edwards, A Seat for Everyone: The Freedom Guide that Explores A vision for America, Ron Edwards  2008. #5 and #6 combined here.

7. Recommended Resources OUTSIDE yet related to this web site, taken FROM YEAR END SUGGESTIONS IN 12-30-15 COLUMN, for use in esgtablishing 2016 goals, plans and formulas of peace to achieve goals and act on the plans: as discussed in columns listed and solution papers referred above.

  1. Nellie Stone Johnson:  The Life of an Activist, Nellie Stone Johnson, 2000, and her mantra: "no education, no jobs, no housing" mantra
  2. Martin Luther King, Jr.: use non-violent approaches. Don't become what you hate.
  3. Recommended books
    1st three from Thursday, July 16, 2015, Blog entry):

    1.  Race Pimping: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Business of Liberalismby Kevin Black, a brother with a weekly St. Louis weekly radio show.
    From Amazon blurb:  Race pimping has cost America TRILLIONS of dollars, as the money is ... fantastic. Politicians line their pockets and those of family and friends, while delivering little to nothing to their constituents or the community at large.
    From p. 33 of my book: $856.5 million for planing and building replacement units. Number actually built: 52

    2.  Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed, by Jason L. Riley.
    From Amazon blurb:  Why is it that so many efforts by liberals to lift the black underclass not only fail, but often harm the intended beneficiaries?  Riley examines how well-intentioned welfare programs are in fact holding black Americans back.  …  In theory these efforts are intended to help the poor—and poor minorities in particular. In practice they become massive barriers to moving forward.

    Data now shows the same for poor whites.

    3.  Losing the Race: Self-Sabotage in Black America, by John H. McWhorter.
          From Amazon blurb:  Berkeley linguistics professor John McWhorter, born at the dawn of the post-Civil Rights era, spent years trying to make sense of this question. Now he dares to say the unsayable: racism's ugliest legacy is the disease of defeatism that has infected black America. Losing the Race explores the three main components of this cultural virus: the cults of victimology, separatism, and antiintellectualism that are making blacks their own worst enemies in the struggle for success.

    4. The Minneapolis Story Through My Eyes, by Ron Edwards as told to Peter Jessen. It is an introductory "how to and what to do" manual for action steps to take, all summarized in

    5. A Seat for Everyone: The Freedom Guide that Explores A vision for America, Ron Edwards, 2008

    6. See also our Solution Paper #44, Guidelines for Including Justice in Planning Meetings to Calculate a Better Future for Minneapolis in terms of education, jobs, housing and public safety, which also includes Interlude 16: Calculating a Better Future For All.

    7. Beacon on the Hill Press, web master of this The Minneapolis Story web site, and publisher of Ron Edwards books (The Minneapolis Story, Through My Eyes, and A Seat for Everyone: The Freedom Guide that Explortes A Vision for America.

8. We also recommend these book by Peter L. Berger, whose work is referenced numerous times in The Minneapolis Story Through My Eyes:

. The Many Altars of Modernity, Peter L. Berger, 2014, a discussion of a dozen historic  “formulas of peace,” some that worked, some that did not.  Which will work best to enable Minneapolis to engage in the political management of pluralism to achieve workable "formulas of peace"? See pp. 79-93.

2. Pyramids of Sacrifice: Political Eethics and Social Change, Peter L. Berger, 1974. Key concepts: "calculus of meaning" and "calculus of pain." Investigates the pros and cons of the competing visions in modernity: capitalism and socialism.

3. The Capitalist Revolution: Fifty Propositions About Prosperity, Equality, & Liberty, Peter L. Berger, 1986. Research suggests that the ecomnomic system that will raise more people out of poverty and end hunger on a sustainable basis, is a market economy, also called capitalism. Key former socialist and commounist countries to capitalism in its "crony capitalism" form are China andRussia. North Korea is leaning that way, as is Cuba. They follow the Lenin, one party control model of crony capitalism.

4. To Empower People: From State to Civil Society, Peter L. Berger and Richard John Neuhaus, 1996, a response to original paper, To Empower People: The Role of Mediating Structures in Public Policy, Peter L. Berger and Richard John Neuhaus, 1977.

5. A Future South Africa: Visions, Strategies, and Realities, Peter L. Berger and Bobby Godsell, 1988. Apartheid was official from 1948 - 1994. This book was used to better understand Apartheid and to contribute to the formulations to, end it, and plan for a post Apartheid South Africa. Why not the same for the Twin Cities?

6. In Praise of Doubt: How to have CONVICTIONS Without Becoming A FANATIC, Peter L. Berger and Anton Zijderveld, 2007.

7. Adventures of an Accidental Sociologist: How to Explain the World Without Becoming a Bore, Peter L. Berger, 2011.

The Great Society has became the Great Non-Profit Society, in which do-gooders in power too often do the opposite that they intend, as they:

1. Unintentionally corrupt the system top down for their own financial, career, survival purposes.
2. Demean or fight our profit system that provides the taxes, corporations / jobs, and deductable donations that enable the non-profit world to exist in the first place.

3. Will blacks, whites, hispanics, and Native Americans work together in community solidarity, from bottom up working with the middle and top, to foster developing a Society of Prosperity, Peace, Independent Liberty and Social Equality for all?

Most recent update posted June 16, 2016

Ron Edwards hosts "Black Focus" on Channel 17, MTN-TV, Sundays, 5-6 pm, and co-hosts Blog Talk Radio’s “ON POINT!" Saturdays at 5 pm, providing coverage about Black Minnesota. Order his books at Hear his readings and read his columns, his solution papers and his "Tracking the Gaps" web log. Formerly head of key civil rights organizations, including the Minneapolis Civil Rights Commission and the Urban League, he continues his "watchdog" role for Minneapolis, and his work to contribute to the planning to help mold a consensus for the future of Black and White Americans together of Minneapolis.

Permission is granted to reproduce The Minneapolis Story columns, blog entires and solution papers. Please cite the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder and for the columns. Please

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